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Climate Changing? Meuse Adapting!

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vrijdag, september 30 2011

Site Visit on the Steenbergse Vliet - adaptation becomes reality

Dear AMICE friends, Here are some documents about the site visit organised by the Waterboard Brabantse Delta on the Steenbergse Vliet project, as well as press cuts and pictures. Many thanks again to the team for the wonderful organisation, the bik...

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jpg map

jpg Steenbergen photos

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pdf site visit welcome

pdf SteenbergseVliet project

pdf cultural developments

pdf boat route

pdf info on Steenbergse Vliet

pdf Lake Volkerak-Zoom

pdf Site visit invitation

pdf Site Visit programme

pdf Site Visit information

docx Site Visit registration

pdf POI

pdf Lambregts


pdf SteenbergseVliet

doc artikel 1

jpg fotocollage

pdf artikel 2

De investering in de Steenbergse Vliet

  • Steenbergse Vliet, changing agriculture into nature

    1. Designing and permits

Issues in the lowlands of the Netherlands are different from the upstream parts of the basin.

The Volkerak-Zoommeer lake will be used as a storage in case of high waters in the Meuse, blocking the water discharge from the Steenbergse Vliet. Climate change, and the potential higher discharges of the Meuse, will increase the water level in the Volkerak-Zoommeer & worsen floods of the Steenbergse Vliet. Moreover, the 2003 National Water Agreement prescribes a return-period of 100 y. for flood protection in urban areas. A water storage is required to both face the climate threat & protect the towns of Steenbergen & Roosendaal adequately. The approach will require a flexible & interactive modelling, taking account climate change & upstream investments in the designing process.

The open-planning process & multi-functional protection build upon results from NOFDP & can be transferred to lower parts of the Netherlands or polders in Belgium, leading to better flood control development.

Steenbergse Vliet is related to the adaptation strategy by finding solutions at the very end of the system, where each cubic meter of water storage is needed. The design is not yet known and will be discussed with all stakeholders (inhabitants of Steenbergen, nature conservation society, recreational organisations, AMICE partners).

Objectives are to:

- Design the multifunctional water storage by an open-planning procedure

- Involve all possible partners, and the local population

- Use strategies developed in WP1.

Permits to realize the work will also be gathered in this action.

Fauna & flora, as well as archaeological investigations will be carried out (compliance with national regulations).

2. Creation of more space for water.

The Steenbergse Vliet is a part of the Mark & Vliet river system that forms a unique river landscape in the Netherlands. This Ecological Connection Zone between major national & international nature areas (the Volkerak-Zoommeer, the Biesbosch and nature reserves in Belgium) also comprises many historical monuments.

The Waterboard Brabantse Delta has developed, in cooperation with municipalities, nature organizations and farmer’s organizations, a master plan for the enhancement and management of the Mark-Vliet River Basin. It combines nature development and flood damage prevention around the cities of Steenbergen and Roosendaal.

The overall objective, initiated under the NOFDP project, is for 50-60ha of restored landscape for a global €4.363.000. The use of the Volkerak-Zoommeer lake for the storage of the excess of water from the Meuse, associated to climate change, leads to an increased need for water reservoirs in the basin.

More nature leads to less damage costs, which is the philosophy of Natural Water Retention zones.

An area which is now used as agricultural land will be returned to its natural state. The water system will be modified so that the water can flow freely over the restored area.

The restored area will combine wetlands and recreational facilities.